Check In | 12:00 pm |
Check Out | 11:00 am |
Hotel Policies |
RestrictionsUnmarried couples are not allowed
Guests below 18 years of age are not allowed at the property.
Aadhar, Driving License and Govt. ID are accepted as ID proof(s)
Guest ProfileGroups with only male guests are not allowed at this property
Unmarried couples are not allowed
Guests below 18 years of age are not allowed at the property.
ID Proof RelatedAadhar, Driving License and Govt. ID are accepted as ID proof(s)
Local ids not allowed
Smoking/Alcohol consumption RulesThere are no restrictions on alcohol consumption.
Smoking within the premises is allowed
Pet(s) RelatedOnly Dogs & Cats, as pets, are allowed at the property
Extra INR 1200 Per Day charges would be applicable for Pets
Pet food is not available at the property
Pets would not be allowed to roam around without a leash
Pets are. not allowed on the bed, not allowed in the Restaurant, not allowed in the Swimming Pool, not allowed in the Kitchen
Pets are allowed
No. of pets allowed at the property: One
There are no pets living on the property
Finding keys to the propertyCaretaker Greets You & Helps You Check-in
Self check-in via Smart Door is not available
Other RulesWe do not allow unmarried / unrelated couples to checkin. This is at full discretion of the hotel management. No refund would be applicable in case the checkin is denied under such circumstances. 24 hours prior notice required for the new booking.
Does not allow private parties or events